The status of your ticket is displayed next to your ticket in the ticket overview. This is the processing status of your question or problem.

These options are available:

  • Open
  • Working
  • Awaiting your reply
  • Solved
  • Closed


You have created a new ticket. This ticket has not been processed by the Support-Team.


A support agent is assigned to your ticket. The agent has already answered you or will be answering you shortly.

Awaiting your reply:

The agent has asked some questions. As long as you do not answer these questions, we cannot continue solving the problem. The answering times of the maintenance contract pause for a ticket with this status.


Your question or problem has been solved. The ticket is still open, e.g. you are waiting for the release which will include the bugfix. A resolved ticket can be closed later.


The processing of your request is complete. You can also close the ticket, when your problem was solved in the mean time:

How to close a ticket